LG wm4000hwa Canada

Is the LG wm4000hwa available in Canada?

LG wm4000hwa Canada

Unfortunately the LG wm4000hwa is not available in Canada at this time. We have checked all the major outlets and LG direct to confirm this. However, we do have a full spec review of the LG wm3600hwa Canada model and a link to buy for a great price. The main difference between the models is the TurboWash 360 feature available on the wm4000hwa model.

Whilst the TurboWash 360 feature is a great feature to have the LG wm3600hwa model gives a very thorough wash and is easy on the water use. Be sure to check out the wm3600hwa model here and consider this as a serious contender to the wm4000hwa model.

Both versions have the same load capacity (4.5 cu ft) and offer mostly the same features including the ThinQ app integration. The wm3600hwa Canada is also around $120 cheaper so a little lighter on the bank account. 

Alternatively, if you are looking for a slightly larger capacity, the Whirlpool wfw6620hc Canada offers 5.2 cu ft of load space. This model also has the steam wash feature to get into tough stains and eliminate up to 99.9% of bacteria. Check the wfw6620hc spec review here and where best to buy this model.